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   Roll Number from
  How To Apply:
  Application processing fee (non refundable) will pay Rs.3000/– at the time of Submissions of     Admissions form duly deposited in HCON A/C No: 00803007 Branch code (0170) free online in any branch of Khyber Bank in favor of Hassan College of Nursing and Allied Health Sciences Swat.
    Fee Structure for Generic BSN Degree Program:
1. | Admission Fee | Rs. 80,000 Per Program |
2. | Tuition Fee | Rs. 120,000 Per semester |
 | Total Fee payable to college in Semester 1 | Rs. 200,000 |
1. | PNC Enrolment fee(Subject to PNC Policy) | 1000 Per Program |
2. | KMU Registration fee (Subject to KMU Policy | 4000 Per Program |
3. | Â Affiliation Retention fee (KMU) (Subject to KMU Policy | Â 7500 Per Program |
4. | KMU Final Examination fee | Rs. 1100 Per Paper |
5. | Clinical fee Rs. 3500 per semester | Rs. 3500 per semester |
 | Note: All of these fees are to be paid in addition to the semester fee |  |
 10% annual increase will be charged (3 rd , 5 th & 7 th semester)
 Most Important:
 Note: Application forms sent by post or submitted after due date and those incomplete shall not be entertained. Full Fee must be deposited at the time of interview. Attested copy of all Documents must be attached. Original Documents, Migration Certificate and Verified DMC from the Board must to be produced at the time of interview. The University reserves the right to withdraw any programme OR to modify the rules governing the programmes OR to make necessary amendments in the programmes OR courses of studies where deemed necessary. For further details/guidance College of Home Economics may be contacted on 0946755405 or email or visit the college during working hours (08:00am to 02:00pm).